[expand title=”Ash Dykes & Ash Conveyance”]
Estimation of ash load, design of slurry composition.
Detail engineering of Ash Slurry Transportation and Ash water recovery system.
Design of decanting water collection system including inlet, overflow and decanting arrangement.
[expand title=”Container Depot”]
Planning and design of inland container depots, circulation spaces, land use planning, design of FGLs based on storm drainage and circulation requirements, planning of utilities such as roads; water supply, storm water drainage, sewerage, electrical system, data networks & fire safety.
Design of all infrastructure, buildings, silos, bunkers, EB stores, services, road top level & FGL and water balance diagram.
Work scheduling, specifications, tenders and project management.
[expand title=”Ventilation & Air Conditioning”]
Design of ventilation system for large industrial units. Special design of ventilation of buildings such as biscuit factory-with oven halls.
Design of forced ventilation with/without supply fans.
Design of air conditioning and ducting.
Design of indirect evaporative cooling; reflective insulating coating on roof and walls.
[expand title=”Bridges”]
Planning, hydraulic design and detailed engineering of RCC Bridges; Approach Bridges for Intake wells.
Design of Jetty within sea, reservoirs and rivers.